Real Results Fitness is our name for a good reason.

We Are Transforming Lives Through Personalized Training and Anti-Aging Restoration System Every Day!

Client Reviews

Hear what our clients have to say about us

“I am so grateful to David for helping me achieve my goals. During covid I had put on some weight then the dreaded menopause hit and I gained more. With David's help I lost 15 lbs in 5 months.”
“Working with David has been a great experience.  I learned that my body can change without losing a ton of weight.  I lost 7 inches and 2.5% body fat while building lean muscle.  I saw more results with this program than going to the gym and doing things on my own.   I liked having a program made specifically for me and my goals.”
“I have been working out with David for almost a year.  I am down 4 dress sizes!  The biggest benefit of working out at Real Fitness is that it keeps me accountable and consistent. This has always been the most challenging part of weight training workouts.  Along with modifying my diet the weekly work outs make all the difference.”
“David was so nice to work with, I was nervous about getting started but he was very encouraging and helped put me at ease.   In our 40 visits I was able to lose 16lbs and the inches were the biggest reward.  I went down almost 2 sizes and I felt better about myself.”
“Great program, lost 32 lb's, 6 % BF and 14" in 6 months”
“At the age of 61 years I decided it was time to take my health seriously.  I found the program challenging and enjoyable. David pushed me past what I thought I was capable of doing. He was encouraging and has a passion to see his clients succeed. He designs a plan for each client according to their need and ability. This is not a one size fits all program. I’ve lost 13.5 pounds, 4.5% body fat and 14 inches. Don’t let age stop you from taking charge of your health. I highly recommend David at Real Results Fitness..”
"I had finally come to terms with that fact that I had hit a plateau. A loss of 70 pounds wasn't all that bad (see my before picture). I was ready to settle and live with the progress I had made up to that point. "

But with Real Results help Erin lost an additional 3% Body Fat, 4 1/2 inches in waist and 1 /2 inches in hips.

Erin B.

"I can’t praise David and Metabolism Makeover Program enough. My results just amaze me. Since I turned 50, I hated the way I looked. I was in a size 12 pants and was wearing size “large” shirts. For me that was too big, I saw no end in sight. I tried to lose the weight and tone up by myself with no results. I thought eating just one meal a day would help. I didn’t know I was setting myself up for failure. The Metabolism Makeover opened my eyes and taught me the right way to have the body I so badly desired. In just 12 weeks I went from a size 12 to a size 8. I lost an inch in my waist and two inches in my thighs."

Rose H.

"When I first started I was reluctant because I loved my sweets, and Fazoli's was almost an everyday thing. However, I was relieved to find out that I could create menus according to what I liked (minus the processed and junk food) and I would get to eat six meals a day. I liked the healthy food I was eating and I felt good about myself after I ate it.

After my metabolism and my body adjusted to the drastic change, the pounds and inches melted off. My self-confidence progressed and that forced me to keep going. I'm not sure I could have ever pushed myself to the extent that I did without the help of my Fitness Professional. Twenty-five pounds lighter.... I feel thinner, happier, and healthier. With the exception of a few Hershey kisses now and then I don't even miss my old eating habits. I'd take Triscuits over Pringles any day.

Melanie C.

"I underwent major surgery and for the following 4 months, I did not exercise and my dietary choices were terrible. I had gained over 15 pounds, I was tired, and most of clothes didn't fit. I was sick about it. With my wedding only four months away, I knew I needed to take real action. That's when I got connected with Grand Rapids Personal Trainer David Modderman. I lost 20 pounds of fat!! The added bonus was that I felt absolutely fantastic on my wedding day. Thank you David!"

Melanie B.

"Thank you so much for all your help with your personal training and nutrition coaching! I feel so much better and once again love my body. I have my self confidence back! You have given me the tools to keep this lifestyle up easily. I've become a healthier person without even realizing it.Since we started together I have lost 10 pounds not just on the scale but 5.6% body fat and 11 pounds of fat!"

Mandy C.

In 16 weeks Jan lost 7.5 pounds of fat, 3.5% body fat, and 8 inches and Terry lost 6 pounds of fat, 3.5% body fat, and 7 inches

Jan & Terry

Amy lost 17 pounds, 3% body fat, and 13 inches.


Ken lost 22 pounds, 5% body fat, and 12.5 inches in just 11 weeks.


Sherry has lost 8 pounds of fat, 3% body fat and 7 inches.


Jacqueline lost 20 pounds, 5.5% body fat, and 15 inches in only 12 Weeks.



Discover responses to frequently asked questions regarding our our services.

What are the results?

Our clients have experienced significant improvements in their fitness levels, strength, and overall well-being. They have achieved their weight loss goals, increased energy levels, and improved their self-confidence.

How long does it take?

The time it takes to see results varies depending on individual goals, commitment, and effort. However, many of our clients start noticing positive changes within a few weeks of starting our program.

Is it suitable for beginners?

Yes, our program is designed to accommodate individuals of all fitness levels, including beginners. Our experienced trainers will tailor the workouts to your specific needs and gradually increase the intensity as you progress.

What is the cost?

The cost of our training programs depends on the duration and frequency of sessions. We offer flexible packages to fit different budgets. Contact us for more information on pricing options.

Are there any guarantees?

We strive towards success for all our clients. We have a simple money back guarantee. If you follow our recommendations, set reasonable goals (knowing that unattainable short term goals set you up for long term failure), and have demonstrated that you are consistent and give it your best effort, but are not seeing the results you'd like, we will make any adjustment needed to fit YOUR program. If you still do not see results and are not happy with our service, we will refund your money without question.

Still have questions?

Contact us for more information or to get started.

Ready For A Midlife Makeover?

Learn more about our Anti-Aging Restoration System & Experience personalized training for men and women over 50 with a complimentary introductory session and consultation